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“Humanity is experiencing an extraordinary burst of evolutionary change.”

Matt Ridley, The Rational Optimist

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Breakthrough news and upbeat insights from the home of rational optimism.

Neuralink transformed his life

Neuralink transformed his life

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Rational Optimist Society

The book that started it all

In his 2010 masterpiece The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley demonstrated, with scientific rigor, how freedom leads to innovation and innovation leads to prosperity for all.

People around the world are now wealthier, healthier, less violent, better fed, safer, and more literate than ever. Don’t take our word for it – here’s the data.

But too many have forgotten what got us here. Prosperity is no accident. Its enemies – alarmism, ideology, and bureaucracy ‒ are on the rise. We must defend our values, or risk slipping back into darkness and stagnation.

Our near future will be incandescently bright… as long as we fight for it.

How well do you know the state of your world today?

The global population has doubled to 8 billion since 1980, sparking fears of unsustainable growth. What year does the UN forecast this number to double again?

Rational Optimist Quiz

Rational Optimist Honoree

Hans Rosling

Rosling was a renowned Swedish doctor and statistician known for his passion and zeal. He realized that people overwhelmingly believe the world is much worse than it is, and grossly underestimate the progress mankind has made. For example, most people believe extreme poverty is rising when it has, in fact, declined to all-time lows.

Elon Musk

Visionary entrepreneur and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. Groundbreaking pioneer making advancements in space exploration, electric vehicles, and energy, inspiring global innovation and leading the charge towards a brighter future.

Matt Ridley

Matt Ridley wrote the book on rational optimism. With more than 1 million copies sold, The Rational Optimist shows that a better world is not only possible, but probable, as long as we celebrate and prioritize what’s brought us this far: freedom, innovation, science, and reason.

Bjorn Lomberg

Bjorn Lomborg is a Danish author, academic, and voice of reason known for his data-driven approach to identifying and solving big problems. His work often emphasizes human resilience and innovation, showing we can overcome almost any challenge when we have our priorities straight.

Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel is a visionary entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and disruptor of the status quo. His pioneer spirit and unapologetic pushing of boundaries have inspired a whole generation of young entrepreneurs to build the future they want.

Rational Optimist Society

Three reasons to become a Rational Optimist

Reason 1:
Your kids will thank you

Rational optimists know humans can solve almost any problem through innovation.


How inspiring! Yet our kids are more likely to learn the opposite – that the world is on the brink of catastrophe. Is it any wonder kids today are depressed, anxious, and often gripped by dangerous ideologies?

Its up to us to teach our kids the inspiring truth, so they can’t be swept away by pervasive irrational pessimism.

Reason 2:
Benefit from

Technology is advancing faster than ever. Rational optimists take advantage of breakthroughs to become healthier, wealthier, happier, and even live longer.

Knowledge is power. You can be confused and worried by the rapid changes, or you can master them to improve virtually every aspect of your life, from your health to your career to your investment portfolio.

Reason 3:
Optimists make better lovers

No joke. Research shows optimists have happier marriages, make more money, raise happier kids, suffer less anxiety, and are much better investors.

Anyone of any age can become a rational optimist… and it just might transform your life.

Here’s why.

Our Mission

Make rational optimism cool

We champion human prosperity through truths about innovation, freedom, and technological progress.

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Rational Optimist Podcast

Stephen McBride and Dan Steinhart bring you their weekly podcast series where they discuss the latest in rational optimist thinking. Listen and watch and subscribe for regular updates.

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Breakthrough news and upbeat insights from the home of rational optimism.

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