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Our Mission: Make rational optimism cool

We champion human prosperity through truths about innovation, freedom, and technological progress.


We help our members understand, appreciate, and take advantage of the innovations revolutionizing our world for the better, so they can confidently flourish as change continues to accelerate.

We educate, challenge conventional but false wisdom, and provide resources that demonstrate there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic.


Based on almost every metric the world is getting better, and at a rapid pace. We want our children to wholeheartedly embrace this reality and understand its causes, rather than be misled by prevalent negative narratives.

We believe the best way to accomplish this is to champion the truth ‒ informed by data, science, and logic ‒ about how people ascended to where we are today, and the incredibly bright future now unfolding.

Our Mission

Our Values

We support the societal conditions necessary for prosperity and innovation to thrive:

  • Freedom. Of action, thought, speech, and private property.

  • Respect for the problem-solving entrepreneurs who not only turn ideas into reality… but scale them to be affordable for everyone.

  • Good laws applied equally.

  • Meritocracy.

  • Technological advancement.

  • Honest, transparent, and well-intentioned government.

  • Real capitalism (not buddies-with-the-government corporatism).

Sapere Aude is our guiding principle

It means to “Dare to know” or “Have courage to use your own reason.” Rational Optimists think for themselves. We respect facts, data, and reason. We’ll challenge any assumption, regardless of where it originates.

Sapere Aude
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